Elaine Schear
Bio: Elaine (Lainey) Schear is the founding member of the Z Street Writers. Her poetry and prose appear in their 2021 poetry-prose publication "Between Us", in her chapbook "9 Hours from Oswego" and in literary journals (Bellevue Literary Review, Poetry East, The Dewdrop, Pennsylvania English, Pearl, The Boston Globe, and others). Lately on her walks in and around Boston during the pandemic, she has been captivated, saddened, and nourished by the goings on between the natural and human worlds.
I watch the habits of ice
on the shoreline,sculptures shaped byvagaries of wind and sun.Fractures, floaters, last to melt on edges, frozen jewels clingwhere twisted branchesbend to the pondyielding toward thematter of becoming.